Polish Settlements in Michigan with Valerie Koselka

Copeland Center 2306 Fourth Street, Wyandotte, Michigan

This presentation will identify the Polish communities in Michigan with emphasis on neighborhoods in Detroit, Hamtramck, and Wyandotte. In this talk, we will outline a plan to research our immigrant ancestors in Michigan.

100 Wyandotte Soldiers from the Civil War with Marty Bertera and Mary Johns Wien

Copeland Center 2306 Fourth Street, Wyandotte, Michigan

By the war’s end in 1865, nearly 3 million young men and a few hundred women served in the civil war. They left their homes in large cities, towns, and small villages for an adventure of a lifetime; our presenters will look at one of these communities, Wyandotte, Michigan. The soldiers would serve their country ... Read more

Sharing Memory Projects with several DRGS members

Copeland Center 2306 Fourth Street, Wyandotte, Michigan

Please note the date change for this meeting. The Copeland Center is not available on our usual meeting date. Kathy C, Sherry H, Carol D, Mary P, Rana W, Chris H – Family History - Sharing More Than Just Dates.  Kathy & Jeff Clark are working on putting a PowerPoint together for this.  10-15-minute talks.  ... Read more

Michigan POW Camps in WWII with Greg Sumner

Copeland Center 2306 Fourth Street, Wyandotte, Michigan

Dr. Gregory Sumner is Chair of the History Department at the University of Detroit Mercy.  He will speak on the little-remembered subject of the 6,000 German and Italian POWs housed in camps across Michigan during WWII.  They mostly behaved well, supplied help during the labor shortage, and many later became U.S. Citizens.

Bottled Goodbyes with Ric Mixter

Copeland Center 2306 Fourth Street, Wyandotte, Michigan

Ric Mixter's book "Bottled Goodbyes" is more than just fantastic stories found from bottles that washed ashore. The author used genealogy research to track down living relatives of shipwreck victims, hoping to find original copies of the notes he features in his book. From wrecks on the Great Lakes to the Titanic, you'll enjoy his ... Read more

Irish Handfasting Wedding with Kathy Cannon

Copeland Center 2306 Fourth Street, Wyandotte, Michigan

While planning a long visit to Ireland, Kathy thought back to having seen a “handfasting” wedding ceremony in a movie and wondered whether they did this sort of thing in Ireland today. After some research, she found a celebrant who performed this ceremony and was willing to travel to the Kilcar, Donegal area where Kathy ... Read more